Music At St James’
Music plays an important role in the liturgy at St James’ and we continue to search out those hymns and songs which inspire us and enable us to broaden our sense of worship, whether catholic or reformed, evangelical or charismatic, traditional or contemporary.
We sing a variety of congregational settings at the 10am Parish Mass on Sundays and are currently arranging new settings of Responsorial Psalms. A small four part choir sings at the 10am Mass on the second Sunday of the month.
St James’ has six bells and they are rung before the Parish Mass each Sunday morning and after weddings.
Each year St James’ hosts a series of concerts and is the home of the Islington Proms. The Church is available for hire for concerts and for rehearsals, for filming and for community events.
Watch the video of a programme of words and music recorded at St James’ on 13 September 2020 and available on YouTube – it features Joan Taylor (piano) and Isabel Nisbet (contralto) and includes music by Gabriel Faure, Robert Schuman and Karel Janovicky.