St James'
Islington N1

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The Baptism of Adults

More and more adults are discovering that they were not Christened as babies and are asking if it is still possible to be baptised as an adult.

The simple answer is that it is never too late to be drawn into the family of Jesus.

Over the last ten years sixteen adults have been baptised at St James’ and each have found it a moving part of their exploration of the Christian faith as taught by the Church of England.

At St James’ there is no ‘one size fits all’ pattern but, based on Peter Ball’s ‘Adult Believing’ model of nurture, we generally expect that the baptism of an adult will be part of their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation – the occasion when candidates are presented to the bishop as a sign of their willingness to take on adult responsibilities within the Church.

This 9-12month period of preparation, which includes a Basic Christianity course, can either be done individually or as part of a group. Please ask Fr John for further details.