St James'
Islington N1

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Our Worship Style

“Sing a joyful song to the Lord…” is an invitation to make our liturgy enjoyable, relevant and open to God’s leading.

From the very earliest days, Christian worship has been understood to be a balance of praise, listening, praying and dramatic action – loving God, listening to his Word, interceding and re-living the stories which feed our hearts and minds. We remember much more when our eyes are engaged as well as our ears.

Because we are a very mixed community the Parish Mass on different Sundays has a slightly different flavour:

1st Sunday: All Age

2nd Sunday: Traditional hymns/sermon

3rd Sunday: Exploring Christian teaching

4th Sunday: Baptisms or the exploration of a current issue

Every week we enjoy welcoming visitors to St James’ and we encourage people to take part in as much or as little of the service as they choose. There is a carpet for small children to play on and everyone is welcome to receive communion, or a blessing, at the appr